

(static) cube(options)

Shortcut for a simple cube .obj model
Name Type Description
options object Model options
Name Type Attributes Description
position vec3 Position
rotation vec3 <optional>
Rotation per axis in radians.
scale vec3 | number <optional>
A vec3 representing scale per axis or a single number by which to scale all directions with.
smoothShading bool <optional>
If true use smooth shading instead of flat. Defaults to true.
doubleSided bool <optional>
Shade both sides of each triangle (you probably want this if your model has "holes"). Defaults to false.
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryNormalMap <optional>
A texture used as a normal map for the geometry.

(static) diamond(options)

Shortcut for a diamond .obj model
Name Type Description
options object Model options
Name Type Attributes Description
position vec3 Position
rotation vec3 <optional>
Rotation per axis in radians.
scale vec3 | number <optional>
A vec3 representing scale per axis or a single number by which to scale all directions with.
smoothShading bool <optional>
If true use smooth shading instead of flat. Defaults to true.
doubleSided bool <optional>
Shade both sides of each triangle (you probably want this if your model has "holes"). Defaults to false.
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryNormalMap <optional>
A texture used as a normal map for the geometry.

(static) objModel(options)

Wavefront .obj model geometry (no MTL support!)
Name Type Description
options object Model options
Name Type Attributes Description
url string Model url
position vec3 Position
rotation vec3 <optional>
Rotation per axis in radians.
scale vec3 | number <optional>
A vec3 representing scale per axis or a single number by which to scale all directions with.
smoothShading bool <optional>
If true use smooth shading instead of flat.
doubleSided bool <optional>
Shade both sides of each triangle (you probably want this if your model has "holes"). Defaults to false.
flipNormals bool <optional>
Flip model normals
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryNormalMap <optional>
A texture used as a normal map for the geometry.

(static) plane(options)

Shortcut for a simple plane .obj model
Name Type Description
options object Model options
Name Type Attributes Description
position vec3 Position
rotation vec3 <optional>
Rotation per axis in radians.
scale vec3 | number <optional>
A vec3 representing scale per axis or a single number by which to scale all directions with.
smoothShading bool <optional>
If true use smooth shading instead of flat. Defaults to true.
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
doubleSided bool <optional>
Shade both sides of each triangle (you probably want this if your model has "holes"). Defaults to false.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryNormalMap <optional>
A texture used as a normal map for the geometry.

(static) sdf(domainopt, sdfData)

SDF geometry wrapper. All sdf geometries & operations need to be wrapped by this function call.
Name Type Attributes Description
domain domain <optional>
Optional domain operation to apply to the whole final geometry
sdfData sdfGeometry | sdfOperation An sdf geometry or sdf operation consisting of multiple geometries.
geometries = [
            material: 'mat1',
            radius: 2,
            position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
    // ...
geometries = [
            radius: 2,
            material: 'mat1'
            position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}

        |> opUnionRound(({radius: 0.5}), #,
                dimensions: {
                    x: 2,
                    y: 3,
                    z: 1,
                position: {x: 1, y: 0, z: 4},
                material: 'mat1'
    // ...

(static) sdfBox(options)

SDF box geometry
Name Type Description
options object Box options
Name Type Attributes Description
position vec3 Position
dimensions vec3 Box dimensions
rotation vec3 <optional>
Box rotation per axis in radians.
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
domain module:geometries~domain <optional>
A domain operation that should be applied on this geometry.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryDisplacementMap <optional>
A texture used as a displacement map for the geometry.
displacementFunc string <optional>
The name of a in this scene defined displacement func to use as displacement data.

(static) sdfCapsule(options)

SDF capsule geometry
Name Type Description
options object Capsule options
Name Type Attributes Description
position vec3 Position
radius number Capsule radius
height number Capsule height
rotation vec3 <optional>
Capsule rotation per axis in radians.
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
domain module:geometries~domain <optional>
A domain operation that should be applied on this geometry.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryDisplacementMap <optional>
A texture used as a displacement map for the geometry.
displacementFunc string <optional>
The name of a in this scene defined displacement func to use as displacement data.

(static) sdfCone(options)

SDF cone geometry
Name Type Description
options object Cone options
Name Type Attributes Description
position vec3 Position
radius number Cone radius
height number Cone height
rotation vec3 <optional>
Cone rotation per axis in radians.
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
domain module:geometries~domain <optional>
A domain operation that should be applied on this geometry.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryDisplacementMap <optional>
A texture used as a displacement map for the geometry.
displacementFunc string <optional>
The name of a in this scene defined displacement func to use as displacement data.

(static) sdfCylinder(options)

SDF cylinder geometry
Name Type Description
options object Cylinder options
Name Type Attributes Description
position vec3 Position
radius number Cylinder radius
height number Cylinder height
rotation vec3 <optional>
Cylinder rotation per axis in radians.
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
domain module:geometries~domain <optional>
A domain operation that should be applied on this geometry.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryDisplacementMap <optional>
A texture used as a displacement map for the geometry.
displacementFunc string <optional>
The name of a in this scene defined displacement func to use as displacement data.

(static) sdfEllipsoid(options)

SDF ellipsoid geometry
Name Type Description
options object Ellipsoid options
Name Type Attributes Description
position vec3 Position
radius vec3 Ellipsoid radii per axis
rotation vec3 <optional>
Ellipsoid rotation per axis in radians.
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
domain module:geometries~domain <optional>
A domain operation that should be applied on this geometry.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryDisplacementMap <optional>
A texture used as a displacement map for the geometry.
displacementFunc string <optional>
The name of a in this scene defined displacement func to use as displacement data.

(static) sdfLine(options)

SDF line segment between two points
Name Type Description
options object Line options
Name Type Attributes Description
position vec3 Position
start vec3 Line starting point
end vec3 Line end point
thickness number The thickness of the line
rotation vec3 <optional>
Pyramid rotation per axis in radians.
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
domain module:geometries~domain <optional>
A domain operation that should be applied on this geometry.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryDisplacementMap <optional>
A texture used as a displacement map for the geometry.
displacementFunc string <optional>
The name of a in this scene defined displacement func to use as displacement data.
SDF chain link geometry
Name Type Description
options object Chain link options
Name Type Attributes Description
position vec3 Position
radius number Chain link end radius
height number Chain link height
thickness number The thickness of the link
rotation vec3 <optional>
Capsule rotation per axis in radians.
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
domain module:geometries~domain <optional>
A domain operation that should be applied on this geometry.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryDisplacementMap <optional>
A texture used as a displacement map for the geometry.
displacementFunc string <optional>
The name of a in this scene defined displacement func to use as displacement data.

(static) sdfPyramid(options)

SDF pyramid geometry
Name Type Description
options object Pyramid options
Name Type Attributes Description
position vec3 Position
base number Pyramid bottom base dimension
height number Pyramid height
rotation vec3 <optional>
Pyramid rotation per axis in radians.
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
domain module:geometries~domain <optional>
A domain operation that should be applied on this geometry.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryDisplacementMap <optional>
A texture used as a displacement map for the geometry.
displacementFunc string <optional>
The name of a in this scene defined displacement func to use as displacement data.

(static) sdfRoundedCone(options)

SDF cone geometry
Name Type Description
options object Cone options
Name Type Attributes Description
position vec3 Position
bottomRadius number Cone bottom radius
topRadius number Cone radius
height number Cone height
rotation vec3 <optional>
Cone rotation per axis in radians.
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
domain module:geometries~domain <optional>
A domain operation that should be applied on this geometry.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryDisplacementMap <optional>
A texture used as a displacement map for the geometry.
displacementFunc string <optional>
The name of a in this scene defined displacement func to use as displacement data.

(static) sdfSphere(options)

SDF sphere geometry
Name Type Description
options object Sphere options
Name Type Attributes Description
radius number The sphere radius
position vec3 Position
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
domain module:geometries~domain <optional>
A domain operation that should be applied on this geometry.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryDisplacementMap <optional>
A texture used as a displacement map for the geometry.
displacementFunc string <optional>
The name of a in this scene defined displacement func to use as displacement data.

(static) sdfTorus(options)

SDF torus geometry
Name Type Description
options object Torus options
Name Type Attributes Description
position vec3 Position
innerRadius number Torus inner radius
outerRadius number Torus outer radius
rotation vec3 <optional>
Torus rotation per axis in radians.
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
domain module:geometries~domain <optional>
A domain operation that should be applied on this geometry.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryDisplacementMap <optional>
A texture used as a displacement map for the geometry.
displacementFunc string <optional>
The name of a in this scene defined displacement func to use as displacement data.

(static) sphere(options)

A sphere geometry
Name Type Description
options object Sphere options
Name Type Attributes Description
position vec3 Position
radius number Sphere radius
material string The name of the material to use. If omitted the geometry will default to the first declared material.
texture module:textures~geometryTexture <optional>
A texture to apply on the geometry. Textures on SDF geometries are applied using triplanar mapping.
displacementMap module:textures~geometryNormalMap <optional>
A texture used as a normal map for the geometry.

(static) volume(options)

Volume bound geometry. Used in conjunction with a volume material (isotropicVolumeMaterial or anisotropicVolumeMaterial), and, optionally, a volume texture).
Name Type Description
options object Volume options
Name Type Attributes Description
material string The name of a defined isotropicVolumeMaterial or anisotropicVolumeMaterial.
texture string <optional>
An optional volume texture to sample from if using an anisotropic material. If no texture is supplied the volume will be automatically sampled from a standard noise function.
minCoords vec3 Min coords of the bound
maxCoords vec3 Max coords of the bound
    material: 'iso-volume',
    minCoords: {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        z: 0
    maxCoords: {
        x: 20,
        y: 20,
        z: 20
    material: 'aniso-volume-material',
    texture: 'volume-texture',
    minCoords: {
        x: -155,
        y: 0.0,
        z: -155
    maxCoords: {
        x: 155,
        y: 80.0,
        z: 155

Type Definitions

domain :object

Represents an SDF domain operation: 'repeat', 'repeatBounded', 'bend' or 'twist' Read more in inigo quilez' 3d sdf article
Name Type Attributes Description
domainOp 'repeat' | 'repeatBounded' | 'bend' | 'twist' Operation type
size number Size of the side of the cube of space to apply the operation on if repeating. The magnitude of the operation otherwise.
bounds vec3 <optional>
NOTE: only required for bounded repetitions. Number of repetitions along each axis. Should be renamed :)
axis 'x' | 'y' | 'z' | 'xy' | 'xz' | 'yz' | 'xyz' <optional>
NOTE: only required for repeat operations. Along which axes to repeat.